
2024 April 17th : Our team members, Ioanna and Ramtin, recently participated in EGU-2024, where they presented our latest research titled "Reconstructing Historical Flood Events: A Monte Carlo-Based Uncertainty Approach'': Learn more 

2024 March 14th : Our team member Ramtin recently attended the Catholic University of Uruguay (UCU), following an invitation to discuss reconstructing historical flash floods and explore potential future collaborations. Learn more 

2024 Jan 29th : Ramtin's application for research credit was successfully accepted by the Google Cloud Research Credits program. His proposal, titled "Leveraging Python Scripting for Batch Processing in HEC-RAS with Google Cloud Integration," earned a $5,000 credit award. This credit will be allocated for enhancing our batch mode processing capabilities. Explicit  award number is GCP19980904. 

2023 Nov 23rd : Dr Ramtin Sabeti represented our team at the Floodex UK conference, where he showcased our project and discussed the methodology employed to reconstruct historical flash floods. Learn more

2023 Sep 30th : We host a number of Pensford Residents, an Informative Workshop to Commemorate the 1968 Flash Flood Event, Sharing Memories, Insights, and Strength.  Learn more

2023 July 17th : Team member, Dr Ramtin Sabeti won the vice chancellor prize of Brunel University London for research excellence. Learn more

2023 June 01st : Team member, Dr Ramtin Sabeti has moved to the University of Bath to start his new role as a research Associate.

2023 May 11th : Team member Dr Ioanna Stamataki has been awarded the Inspirational Teaching Award in the Student Led Teaching Awards 2023 at the University of Greenwich! Read more